Where are we at?

Re: Where are we at?

Postby ScrapMetal » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:48 pm

Damn, rleete, those rabies shots hurt! Glad that you had a great time at Disney but it sounds like you should have stayed there. ;)

I can identify with the 'puter problems as well. My main computer took a dump just before we left to go skiing. I ordered parts to make a new one while I was on our trip and am waiting for the UPS truck to drop off my parts so I can start building it. In the meantime I had to upgrade the kids' computer just so I have computer/internet access for the wife and myself. It's been a real p.i.t.a.!

Glad to hear you're back and relatively whole though. ;) Don't go and touch the mill/lathe until that "dark cloud" passes.

-Ron :)
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Re: Where are we at?

Postby rleete » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:01 am

So I had heard. I worried all day, and went in for the shots at 4:00. Shot in the arm (first dose of the vaccine) was nearly painless. I thought, "that wasn't so bad". Then the doc brought out this needle the size of a toothpick, and 4 inches long. I kid you not; this thing was huge. That was the one to go into my hand.

12 ml, which is a lot. About 4/10 of a shot glass, or almost 3/4 cubic inches. In the back of the hand. The stuff was cold and thick, and it felt like liquid fire going in. I clenched my teeth, and said I was okay, and he did it again. And a third time. About this time I experienced a "Vasovagal attack" which is a fancy way of saying I nearly passed out from the pain.

Trust me when I say that these hurt like hell. I've had severe kidney stones, and while they are certainly no picnic, I never passed out from the pain.

Computer is almost back to normal, and as soon as the swelling goes down I'll finish those caps.
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Re: Where are we at?

Postby ScrapMetal » Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:33 pm

The description of the process alone is chilling, OUCH! As I understand it, at least the way it used to be, you are required to undergo a series of those shots. Is it still that way? If so, the anticipation itself would probably have me vapor locked.

I feel for you,

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Re: Where are we at?

Postby rleete » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:29 pm

It's still a series, but it's 4 shots in the arm. I went in for the second yesterday - very unusual to see your doc in a t-shirt and jeans! - and it was nothing but a simple shot. Over in seconds, and no marks or ill effects.

Swelling in the hand has all but gone, so I should be back to it soon.
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Re: Where are we at?

Postby ScrapMetal » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:44 pm

Rleete, how are things going?

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Re: Where are we at?

Postby rleete » Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:13 am

My appologies. I know i've been taking too long. I'll try to get them knockede out this week.
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Re: Where are we at?

Postby ScrapMetal » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:01 pm

That'd be great but I was hoping to hear you were doing well. Since you're up for some work I'll take that as a "Yep". ;)

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Re: Where are we at?

Postby rleete » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:05 am

Well, polishing has been an experience. Not sure if it's me, the material or my equipment, but I can't seem to get the finish I want.
Polishing leaves minor scratching. Very fine, only visible if you catch the light off the surface just right, but it's bugging me. I'm going to keep at it until I get it the way I think it should be.
I want a mirror finish that looks like it was done right.

Once again, I apologize for taking so long.
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Re: Where are we at?

Postby ScrapMetal » Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:13 pm

You came in to the build a little late. Some of the rest of us weren't always "Johny on the spot" either. :mrgreen: I've got to admit though, the wife is getting a bit, shall we say, "peckish" about the pile of parts sitting on the window seat waiting to ship out. ;) I personally have much less animosity towards piles of "parts" and tools. :D

I look forward to seeing what you have for us Rleete,


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Re: Where are we at?

Postby ScrapMetal » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:34 am

How's it going Rleete? Still having problems? Maybe we (by "we" I mean someone who knows more than me ;) ) can give some helpful advice.

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